Brilliant bursts of bioluminescence plunge past the wake of our boat. Schools of fleeing spawning salmon agitate the salty river estuary, and the chemical properties of unicellular photosynthetic algae called ...
Field Notes
“Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from it’s own wine-press.” Khalil Gibran, The Garden of the Prophet (London, Heinemann, ...
According to many international surveys, Vancouver is one of the “best” places in the world to live. Yet, at its centre is an area (approximately 100 square blocks and 20,000 residents) that represents the poorest ...
Speaking of Northwestern Botswana,…lots of miles in my little truck, Buckie. Here, in the worst case scenario there is widespread abuse of San people, in the best case scenario these people are barely ...
I was in Nepal in the spring of 1987, when the “Freedom Bridge” connecting Nepal and Tibet was opened by the Chinese for only one week. Myself and a Finnish journalist hitched a ride on a local ...
I cherish the summer when I first camped with Paulosie Attagutalukutuk’s family of nine in a canvas tent on Baffin Island. We ate raw seal liver on the sea ice and cracked open caribou legs to slurp out the ...