Field Notes

Kamal’s Story

The smell of rotting garbage in hot humid air; trickles of raw sewage draining down concrete troughs etched in a narrow lane between high walls connecting a maze of cinder-block houses. The first iron door on the ...

Trauma in Gaza

Multitudes of cheering Palestinians shake hands, kiss, hug, and cry with each other on the streets of Gaza City tonight. Car horns blare and people jubilantly shoot their guns into the air to welcome their brothers ...

Alsa Masa

Preseident Durantes program of eliminating drugs through sanctioning  dead squads,  has  it’s roots in the notion of  a program called “The Peoples’ Watch”  or “Masa Masid” which would allow ...

Circus Ethiopia

In 1996 I spent  over two months travelling  with a circus that was meant to curb the trauma of children who found themselves on the streets of Ethiopia.  Ethiopia has a long history of  political strife and ...

Burma Pagoda Hill 1987

The top of Pagoda Hill is a boat ride, a truck ride and two days’ walk from Manerplaw, and light years away from everything sane. I am wet with perspiration and aching from exhaustion after hours of climbing to a ...

West Papua

For 99% of mankind’s existence, we have been hunters and gatherers.  Our current affluence is but a brief moment in human history.  Yet, we impose our will and influence on people whose way of life is just ...